On A Loop

Watching from the recliner with supper on the tray

it seems to be more

than enough

let alone all the opinions

waiting or interjecting

to be heard

while the others on split screens try to dazzle with a smile that is brightest or fake a frown or shake a well groomed head in argument

while the program host tries to either clarify or aggravate the debate even further

the outcome being an observation of two distinct sides

willing to argue but not willing to see

the point

that might be a consensus or at least promote some understanding

it is a game

where it is fun to fight in a sport of trash talk

that makes it meaningful somehow

for them

and the references to…

doubling down or walking back or finding the come to Jesus moment or sending in a Hail Mary pass or insisting that… here is the thing …that a fact is not what it is because it isn’t a fact on their side of the aisle and never will be and so there…

(fake smile, hair toss, serious frown and repeat as required)

everyone, myself included, recliner engaged

just sit back and let the battle rage

in front of ever accumulating flags with waving signs and huge groups of supporters standing there

in support

or lining up

in front of pavilions

to boost

rallies and protest …take your pick

and it never really looks like there will be a solution

unless someone can



serious, very serious, scary nonsense


Filed under health and wellness, history, poetry, politics, routines, satire, social issues, storytelling, teaching, Uncategorized, writing

3 responses to “On A Loop

  1. Hi Liz, I’ve been reading through your blog posts today after seeing your comment on Facebook about writing poetry. You are really hitting home with the messages in your creative work. Thank you. Yvonne

    • Thanks Yvonne….it is a little different but I think that is the idea..makes people wonder a bit…I am enjoying your wonderful stories too. I will get back to story writing soon. Poetry storytelling seems to be what I feel comfortable with right now.

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