Full and Overflowing

There are four jewellry boxes in my possession and they are full of things I will rarely, if ever use. Old costume jewellery mostly. Some better stuff and a few modern artisitic pieces.
A wooden box contains a small blue soft bristled hairbrush that also rattles,a couple of golden baby curls, a yellow knitted baby bonnet ,my grandmother’s locket and a broken pocketwatch belonging to my father. If there ever was a fire I’d grab this box first but also scramble to carry out the other three as well. I would say the value of these items in their entirety might be worth less than a hundred dollars. More than likely, that is a high estimate.
So why are these things so precious in sentimental value to me?
The second box is a vinyl relic filled with my mother’s costume jewellery collection of multicoloured beads and dimestore brooches. They are things she wore to church or on very rare occassions when she dressed up. Determined, hardworking and feisty she made the best of things.
The third battered box is crammed full to the brim with my aunt’s clip on and screw tight earrings.She was a favourite aunt, bleached blonde, sporty and fun. She consistently wore yellow, orange or variations of these colours in plaid. When she came to visit us, my sister and I would hide her tartan suitcase so she couldn’t go home again. I hope someday my neices and nephews think of me, even if just a little, like this.
The final box is my jewellery box. It is a vintage style, pop-up jewellery box decorated in a detailed Japanese motif.My collection of sparkly pins, seasonal badges and buttons from school parties and events, thoughtful trinkets from family and friends, an extensive collection of artisitic looking bracelets and hippie style necklaces fill it to overflowing.
Most of it is just old stuff in these four boxes but it represents more than I can ever hope to express. It just does.

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Filed under family relationships, friends, health and wellness, history, retirement, storytelling, teaching, Uncategorized, writing

One response to “Full and Overflowing

  1. Jaclyn

    Grandma had such a flair when it came to accessorizing. It’s cute to see how Grettie is always eager to see what kind of jewellery you have on. Of course we will all think back on you very fondly, Aunt Liz, as you have always been loving and kind to each of us! Plus, we still have you for so much longer to create new memories with.

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